Thursday, April 1, 2010

and so here we are!

I've never been a person to stick with writing a journal/diary/food diary etc...sometimes I can last for a few weeks, or maybe a few days - but then I miss a day...which turns in to 2, then 3 then before I know it a year has gone by.

I have friends who kept diaries religiously - that is, every night for our school years they dutifully recorded the events of that day...glued in momentos, and ticket stubs, and doodled love hearts in the borders. And I just couldn't be bothered. Looking back, I would love it if I had been able to, but, that being said, I am realising now in my life that there's no point looking back with regret. The past is what it is, and nothing we do now can change it.

BUT...Do you ever wonder what would happen if you were given a chance to go back to any point in your life, and restart it? Would you even truly accept such an offer if it were extended to you? So many times in our lives we hear people around us complaining about things that have happened to them, but how many of them would change their pasts if they could? I don't think I could.

At this point in my life, I was finding myself spending a lot of time pondering life, and what it all meant. Why are we here? Do we actually really exist? And does it matter even if we "don't"? Would it change the way we are as humans to know that the world isn't as it seemed? And how would the world change?

I came across a book about the 11 eternal principles, which I have found immensely interesting. It has allowed me to latch on to some form of belief about existence that my rational mind can begin to reconcile with my previous understanding (much of which was based on both scientific and religious studies at school).

Somehow, this post got far deeper than I ever intended it too! I guess I should start with an introduction of sorts...I'm in my mid-twenties, married, and have a beautiful baby girl! And life is pretty much perfect. Or, that's what I'm learning anyways.

One thing that I've read recently, that really stuck with me is about Karma, and past lives. And about the fact that our souls have been to earth before, but that until they learn the lessons of the challenges they have faced, they will continue to return to Earth in future lives. As a result, a soul will often choose a life that is filled with challenges, as far more can be learnt from overcoming obstacles in life, than will be learnt if life is an easy ride!

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